Journal Practice - Prompts for Spring Equinox reflection
Spring Equinox marks the first day of Spring and is celebrated in the Northern Hemisphere between 20th and 23rd March. It is when there is equal day and night and signals the start of the increase of light as days become longer towards summer.
In this blog post I explore some of the history, stories and images of Spring Equinox celebrations. I reflect on the qualities of Spring and how we can use the transition point from Winter to Spring to help us to reflect on our lives, take time enjoy the new energies of spring, and to set some intentions for the coming months.
There’s some beautiful poems and some journal prompts for you including a pdf download.
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Postnatal Support – the 6 best postnatal books
When we are pregnant we spend a lot of time preparing for labour and birth, buying clothes and kit for baby. We focus on the 9 months or so leading up to baby arriving. But we often spend zero time preparing for what comes next!
In this blog post you will find my recommendations for some of the best books for postnatal recovery.
Read them during pregnancy if you can to arm yourself with places to refer back to as you navigate the ups and downs of the first few days, weeks and months of caring for your baby 24 / 7 on little sleep. But you can of course use them anytime after baby has arrived.
There’s not as much information out there for postnatal recovery as there is for pregnancy labour and birth, and in the UK we are pretty much left to our own devices after our 8 week check. But I have gathered what I consider the best books for postpartum recovery and postnatal support and would love you to read them, listen to them, buy them or borrow them from a friend or library. You won’t regret it and they will be your guiding hand for the first 12 months of parenthood.
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Journal Practice - prompts for reflection and Intention at New Year
Each New Year I spend time reflecting, and creating intentions. Rather than resolutions (which feel too pressurised and likely to fail) I like to think about intentions as process and journey rather than end result.
I also realise that I often find a theme that I want to work with for the year ahead – often it’s slowing down, doing less, increasing time for me, finding joy in the moment. But it has also been ideas such as building community, making connections.
In this blog post I will help you to reflect on your year past and set gentle intentions for your year ahead. I invite you to find a word or phrase to take you through your year. You can contemplate, journal, draw or voice record your ideas however you wish. May they begin a year of good health and happiness.
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At Winter Solstice
During winter we let go of light just as trees let go of leaves, we look towards cosy and warmth and probably more time indoors, and we should rest more as our ancestors once did when they followed the seasons and the longer nights more closely than we do today.
Winter is nature's sign to slow down, let go of brighter months and spend more time resting and reflecting. The cycles of the seasons can support us so much if we listen, feel and follow them rather than fight against them.
This blog invites you to reflect on your year and take time to rest. I also share some beautiful words from the poet and philosopher John O’Donohue.
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10 Ways to Use a Blanket
This blog is about using a Blanket to support your yoga. You can buy specific yoga blankets, but any firm blanket will work.
BKS Iyengar was credited with popularising the use of yoga props through his school of yoga. Over the years many yoga props and supports have been developed to support the spectrum of yoga poses but you can’t go wrong with the basics. Simple yoga props include: belts, bricks, blocks, blankets, chairs, bolsters, cushions and using a wall.
A blanket can be a useful support for any yoga student. In this blog I share a few ideas on how to use your blanket to support you in ten common yoga poses.
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Spirals of Joy - Parent and Baby Bonding through Yoga
The majority of parents/carers can easily recall a moment of pure happiness and joy that occurred when they had a positive interaction with their baby. Simply the response of a smile or a full on belly laugh, or a wonderful hug or even a kiss from their little one. This moment came from a shared experience of love and happiness, each feeding off the other regardless of which person began the moment.
Baby Yoga can help parents and carers to find these moments of joy and happiness. The process of the growth and expansion of these moments and the bond between parent and baby is known as 'The Expanding Spiral of Joy'. Find out more in this blog
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3 ways for new parents to use a muslin to stretch your shoulders
As new parents there are muslins everywhere - now you can add another use for them - to ease out those achy shoulders, that spend a lot more time rounded forward as we hold, feed, lift and carry our little ones.
My ten minute video will show you 3 simple ways to get a lovely shoulder stretch using your muslin or a belt or scarf.
Our shoulders get tight and scrunchy all the time, so this post is not just for new parents, anyone can benefit.
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N.O.U.R.I.S.H. yourself by creating a 'To Be' list
Lots of us have ‘To Do’ lists – but do you have a ‘To Be’ list?
I came across this idea recently and thought it was brilliant. Ensuring that you have time to just ‘be’ is so important in our busy world. It’s more important for our health and wellbeing than all the stuff we have ‘to do’.
In this blog is a little inspiration to create your own ‘To be’ list, using the acronym N.O.U.R.I.S.H.
There’s also a PDF you can download to help you.
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M.E.N.O.P.A.U.S.E. 9 ways to support your menopause journey
Menopause is not something to ‘fix’. It is a natural transition for the female body, and a natural time of transformation.
Western lives and culture mean we may feel the challenge of the transition more than some other areas of the world where women report less symptoms. For some of us we may undergo an early or medical menopause, and for some of us our natural menopause can be hugely challenging emotionally, mentally and physically. If we are lucky our symptoms might be mild.
However we come to menopause, and however we journey through it, we can make it a positive experience as best we can. In this blog post I offer what I think are the9 key areas of our lives and tools we can use to help us to do this. Are there things on the list that might help you manage your journey?
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Going Upside Down
When we think of yoga poses that take our body upside down, headstand and shoulderstand probably spring to mind first.
But there are lots of yoga poses that take our head lower than our heart that are much more accessible, and provide the same benefits.
In this blog post I show you 5 simple and accessible inversions and explain the benefits of going upside down.
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