Posts tagged menopause
M.E.N.O.P.A.U.S.E.  9 ways to support your menopause journey

Menopause is not something to ‘fix’. It is a natural transition for the female body, and a natural time of transformation.

Western lives and culture mean we may feel the challenge of the transition more than some other areas of the world where women report less symptoms. For some of us we may undergo an early or medical menopause, and for some of us our natural menopause can be hugely challenging emotionally, mentally and physically. If we are lucky our symptoms might be mild.

However we come to menopause, and however we journey through it, we can make it a positive experience as best we can. In this blog post I offer what I think are the9  key areas of our lives and tools we can use to help us to do this.  Are there things on the list that might help you manage your journey?

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