Posts tagged Postnatal Yoga
Postnatal Support – the 6 best postnatal books

When we are pregnant we spend a lot of time preparing for labour and birth, buying clothes and kit for baby. We focus on the 9 months or so leading up to baby arriving.  But we often spend zero time preparing for what comes next!

In this blog post you will find my recommendations for some of the best books for postnatal recovery.

Read them during pregnancy if you can to arm yourself with places to refer back to as you navigate the ups and downs of the first few days, weeks and months of caring for your baby 24 / 7 on little sleep.  But you can of course use them anytime after baby has arrived.

There’s not as much information out there for postnatal recovery as there is for pregnancy labour and birth, and in the UK we are pretty much left to our own devices after our 8 week check.  But I have gathered what I consider the best books for postpartum recovery and postnatal support and would love you to read them, listen to them, buy them or borrow them from a friend or library.  You won’t regret it and they will be your guiding hand for the first 12 months of parenthood.

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Spirals of Joy - Parent and Baby Bonding through Yoga

The majority of parents/carers can easily recall a moment of pure happiness and joy that occurred when they had a positive interaction with their baby.  Simply the response of a smile or a full on belly laugh, or a wonderful hug or even a kiss from their little one.  This moment came from a shared experience of love and happiness, each feeding off the other regardless of which person began the moment. 

Baby Yoga can help parents and carers to find these moments of joy and happiness. The process of the growth and expansion of these moments and the bond between parent and baby is known as 'The Expanding Spiral of Joy'. Find out more in this blog

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3 ways for new parents to use a muslin to stretch your shoulders

As new parents there are muslins everywhere - now you can add another use for them - to ease out those achy shoulders, that spend a lot more time rounded forward as we hold, feed, lift and carry our little ones.

My ten minute video will show you 3 simple ways to get a lovely shoulder stretch using your muslin or a belt or scarf.

Our shoulders get tight and scrunchy all the time, so this post is not just for new parents, anyone can benefit.

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Celebrating Ten Years of Mum and Baby Classes

Ten years ago I trained to teach mum and baby yoga with the wonderful Marion O’Connor at Birthlight, it was the birth of Breathing Space Yoga.

On 7th May 2013 I taught my first Mum and Baby Yoga class with these gorgeous mums and babies at Weaverham Children’s Centre. It was the start of my yoga teaching career and what a lovely way to start!

In this blog post I revisit the last ten years of Mum and Baby Yoga and Massage classes with photos from each year – can you spot yourself and your baby?

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How to begin Postnatal Exercise

Your pregnancy and birth may have been pretty smooth sailing and you want to begin to explore your new postnatal body and how to find your way back to fitness. Your pregnancy and birth may have been hugely challenging physically and mentally and you don't feel very much like you any more, or really connected to your body. Or you may be somewhere between the two. The important thing is to be where you are right now and start there.

Postnatal fitness classes are a good way to meet other parents and do something for you now that life seems to be all about baby.

Find out more about how postnatal yoga can help you and how to choose the best postnatal exercise for you.

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A relaxation especially for new parents

In this blog post I invite you to take a moment to be with the miracle of being a parent, this is especially for new parents, but if you are a parent of any age child you may enjoy this practice too and you can adapt my words to suit. You can read the relaxation and follow my guidance as you read, or you can listen to the 5 minute MP3 link on the blog page and follow my voice.

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10 Reasons why Mum & Baby Yoga is great for your baby AND you!

There are so many benefits to joining a baby class, and so many benefits to joining classes that support you as a new parent as well as your baby. In this blog post I talk about 10 benefits of joining my Mum & Baby Yoga class in depth:

1. Build confidence lifting and handling your baby

2. Baby Yoga can help soothe those common baby niggles – digestion issues, colic and sleep problems.

3. Supports the development of your bond with your baby

4. Enjoy meeting other parents and babies

5. Builds confidence in communicating with your baby …

…Read on to find out about each of these in-depth and find out what the other 5 benefits for you and your baby are.

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4 Books to take you into 2021

Over the past year I have been reading a lot, some fiction, lots of yoga books and these four books that I highly recommend.

Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker

A brilliant book which explains in a pretty straightforward way why enough good quality sleep is essential, what gets in the way of sleep and how we can sleep better.

Nobody Told Me by Hollie McNish
This book includes not only candid poetry about her journey of pregnancy and new motherhood, but also includes some lovely prose giving context and background to the poems and her experiences.

Do Less: A Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management for Busy Moms by Kate Northrup
In 14 'Experiments' Kate suggests simple ways to look at your work flow, daily working habits and also self-care to work better and do less. You can implement the ones that resonate easily one by one or a few at a time.

Becoming by Michelle Obama
This one needs no introduction. Michelle is an inspiration and her book won't disappoint.

Read on to find out why I love each of these books

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