Posts tagged postnatal support
Postnatal Support – the 6 best postnatal books

When we are pregnant we spend a lot of time preparing for labour and birth, buying clothes and kit for baby. We focus on the 9 months or so leading up to baby arriving.  But we often spend zero time preparing for what comes next!

In this blog post you will find my recommendations for some of the best books for postnatal recovery.

Read them during pregnancy if you can to arm yourself with places to refer back to as you navigate the ups and downs of the first few days, weeks and months of caring for your baby 24 / 7 on little sleep.  But you can of course use them anytime after baby has arrived.

There’s not as much information out there for postnatal recovery as there is for pregnancy labour and birth, and in the UK we are pretty much left to our own devices after our 8 week check.  But I have gathered what I consider the best books for postpartum recovery and postnatal support and would love you to read them, listen to them, buy them or borrow them from a friend or library.  You won’t regret it and they will be your guiding hand for the first 12 months of parenthood.

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