Learn 5 simple techniques that you can use anytime, anywhere, to create some space and be more present.
Find out more about the challenge from Sarah
In 5 minutes a day over 5 days, you will learn 5 simple techniques that you can use anytime, anywhere, to create some space, be more present and feel ready for whatever life throws at you.
It can be hard to make time to stop in the midst of our busy day to day lives. When we do stop it can sometimes feel like a relief, and sometimes it feels like we’ve just created space for our mind to go crazy with ‘to do’ lists or our concerns.
Taking an intentional pause, using mindful techniques to help to work with your busy mind rather than fight against it, and being more in the present moment can really help.
In this meditation challenge the techniques I share can be built into your day to day life to suit you. At the start or end of the day, between tasks, ad hoc, or at a time you choose to set aside as part of your schedule, it’s up to you. Each day you will receive a 5 minute video where I guide you in a different technique. At the end of the 5 days you can pick your favourites to use as you need to in order to bring a little bit of calm into your day.
All you need is just 5 minutes to sit or lie down, listen to my guidance, follow along and then continue on with your day, hopefully feeling a little brighter.