Postnatal Yoga Resources for New Parents
Below you will find a selection of my own resources, links to local postnatal professionals and some other on and off-line resources which I hope that you will find useful through your fourth trimester and the first year after your birth.
Please let me know if any of the links no longer work!
The Right Support
It is really important that you find the right postnatal support for you during this joyful yet hugely challenging time of your life. As a new parent you are sleep deprived, as a new mum your body is recovering from the often underestimated challenges of pregnancy, labour and birth. Whilst society would have us bounce back into our pre-pregnancy clothing and activity in a matter of days this is NOT what happens! It is important that you seek good local support - ask your midwife, health visitor or any of the amazing professionals listed below if you need help in any area of new parenthood. Feeding, mental health, physical recovery, places to meet other parents, the development of your baby, help with household tasks and countless other things need good information and support and they are available to you.
In the first few weeks all your baby needs is you and your attention as best as you can give it. Don’t rush into attending too many classes - although these can be hugely beneficial for you to meet other parents and enjoy their support and friendship, I see this first hand in my classes, join in your own time when you and your baby are ready.
When you do go to a class make sure it is age appropriate to your baby, and if it is postnatal exercise make sure the teacher is well qualified in postnatal recovery.
I believe in the Birthlight philosophy of gentle recovery, choosing gentle exercise that supports your body to heal, re-align and re-balance. On average I recommend joining a general exercise classes at six months postnatal at the earliest and more likely at 12 months, avoiding strong abdominal work - planks, sit ups, crunches until your body is fully repaired which again could be 12 months. If you are breastfeeding your body still has relaxin working around your body making ligaments softer and more likely to be damaged by stronger exercise. If you exercised before or during pregnancy a good recommendation is to re-start your exercise at the level where you left off. Remember, If it doesn’t feel right don’t do it. Ease yourself back to good health and give yourself time - you will get there when your body is ready.
Please see my Mum and Baby Yoga and Baby Massage class pages for more information about the benefits of my classes for both baby and parents.
Here's some simple exercises for you to try:

In this blog post I invite you to take a moment to be with the miracle of being a parent, this is especially for new parents, but if you are a parent of any age child you may enjoy this practice too and you can adapt my words to suit. You can read the relaxation and follow my guidance as you read, or you can listen to the 5 minute MP3 link on the blog page or below and follow my voice.
Click here for the full blog post
Find inspiration and guidance on my Occasional Thoughts Blog...
Using Massage Oil for Baby Massage
It is really important that you make an informed choice about the oil you use to massage your baby. Please click below for my full guide to Baby Massage Oil.
Other resources I recommend are:
Birthlight Singing Babies part 1
Music I use in class - especially Bodhi Tree on this album
Yoga for Mother and Baby by Francoise Freedman (includes some simple baby massage)
Baby Yoga by Francoise Freedman
All available via amazon
Online relaxations and Yoga Nidras
Mutu particulalry good programme for Diastasis Recti - split tummy muscles
Pre and Post natal support with Donna - postnatal doula, baby carrying consultant, breastfeeding peer supporter, baby massage instructor and an NCT Practitioner
Pregnancy and Postnatal Pilates - Carol at
Pregnancy and Postnatal Fitness classes - Fiona at
Pregnancy & Postnatal Massage with Marilyn Wale 07534 933541
Pre and Postnatal Courses and Home Birth Support - Kat
Breastfeeding Support at Victoria Road Children’s Centre, Northwich and Wharton Children’s Centre, WInsford and online
Postnatal Physio and Mummy MOT in Sale
Northwich Nappy Library
Laura at Shine Bright Yoga Chester
Maryline at Yoga Spirits Knutsford and Manchester
Susan at Appleton Baby Massage Appleton