Positive Pause

- an evening menopause retreat

Come and join me for some valuable time out for yourself, to make space to focus on your menopause journey. You are welcome whether you are approaching the menopause, are in the midst of perimenopause or postmenopausal, whatever your age and circumstances.

Next Event

HRT - the Myths and the Facts  with Breathwork and Relaxation for Perimenopause & Menopause

Tuesday 1st October  6.15-9pm at Lach Dennis Village Hall

An evening guided by Sarah - Breathing Space Yoga with a talk and Q&A with Dr Julia Dancy GP with special interest in Menopause

Sarah will lead a simple, accessible breathwork and relaxation session to support all stages of peri-menopause and menopause

  • Suitable for all whether you have done any yoga or breathwork before or not.

  • Techniques can be done seated on a chair, or the floor or lying down and aim to soothe symptoms and create some space for you to connect with yourself.

  • The session will include a guided yoga nidra relaxation practice which will help you to relax, rest, reset and rebalance.

Dr Dancy will talk us through the myths and the facts of HRT and then answer your questions about HRT so that you feel confident in your choices to support you in your menopause journey.

There will be time to share experience, or just listen if you want to, in a supportive circle of women going on the same journey

Price £30

includes MP3 of the yoga nidra sent by email, teas and refreshments and a discount on Sarah’s new menopause online resources, available this Autumn.

Previous Evenings have included:

Yoga and Tapping for Menopause - with Guest Speaker Tracey Turton, Clinic Director of Cheshire Natural Health.

Yoga and Visioning for Menopause - with Guest Facilitator Laura Teare-Jones, fierce women’s health advocate and hormone & mindset coach, living with PMDD.

Yoga to help Stress and Overwhelm - with Breathing Space Yoga’s Sarah Clover

Relaxation, Nutrition and Breathwork - with Breathing Space Yoga’s Sarah Clover & Emma, Emma Wilson Fitness and Mindy of The M Project

Yoga for Pelvic Health - with Breathing Space Yoga’s Sarah Clover


I am Sarah, in 2022 I trained in Menopause Yoga with Petra Coveney of Menopause Yoga and with Birthlight. Peri-menopausal, I wanted to find ways to support myself in the coming years and have immersed myself in menopause education since then. Now I am facilitating menopause workshop retreats to support others going on their menopause journey, and to create safe spaces for our community to grow and support each other as we do.

A safe space to begin exploring the new phase of life feeling relaxed and calm, thank you.
— attendee

Each workshop includes:

  • time to share experience, or just listen if you want to, in a supportive circle of women going on the same journey

  • an exploration of what happens through menopause and positive ways to support your menopause from well being practices, nutrition, sleep, HRT, natural remedies, breath work, yoga and other exercise any handouts will be sent to you via email after the evening

  • a theme to enable a focus on a particular aspect of menopause, which can be used by everyone, this may be facilitated by a guest speaker

  • a simple, accessible yoga practice to support menopause - suitable for all whether you have done any yoga before or not

  • a long guided yoga nidra relaxation practice to help you to relax, rest, reset and rebalance

  • an mp3 of the yoga nidra relaxation will be sent to you via email after the evening to use anytime you need a bit of tlc

  • herbal teas and refreshments

  • an invitation to join our what’s app group for continued group connection and support

Everyone is welcome

Are you - approaching the menopause? in the midst of perimenopause? postmenopausal? Is your menopause a result of surgery? Illness? or POI?

Have you been postmenopause for some time now? Do you have menopause symptoms? Do you have no symptoms but know things are changing?

You are welcome at my menopause workshops if you want to explore ways to support yourself through this time of life no matter what you are experiencing – all of our journeys are unique. If you have wisdom to share with others, if you are curious about how your menopause journey might go, if you need some understanding, if you want to feel more empowered, please do come along.

You don’t need to have done any yoga before – we explore simple accessible movement, breathing and relaxation which anyone can do. You don’t need to be able to get down onto the floor, touch your toes, be flexible or look anything like an instagram yogi. I always give options and alternatives for the yoga practice so that you can work to your own individual needs.

The menopause session was really good. The room was set up in a very welcoming way. All the ladies were lovely and it was great to hear others experiences.
— Attendee
As a relative newcomer to yoga, I really enjoyed seeing how you can use yoga to remove stress through activity and meet with people who are in the same boat.
— attendee

What you need to bring:

Please bring a yoga mat, cushion and blanket and if you have them yoga blocks and a belt . (I will have some equipment to borrow if needed)

I am very happy to chat with you about the workshop if you have questions or would like further info – please contact me at

Sarah sarah@breathingspace-yoga.com 07977093373