Journal Practice - Prompts for Spring Equinox reflection
What is Spring Equinox?
Spring Equinox marks the first day of Spring and is celebrated in the Northern Hemisphere between 20th and 23rd March. It is when there is equal day and night and signals the start of the increase of light as days become longer towards summer.
It is also one of 8 quarter festivals that celebrate the change of the seasons as part of the Wheel of the Year. This can be traced back to the neolithic era 10,000 BC and was used by Pagans and Celts to celebrate nature and the turning points of the year as it cycles around.
The Wheel of the Year has 8 quarter festivals - 2 solstices, Winter (Yule) and Summer (Litha), and 2 equinoxes, Spring (Ostara) and Autumn ( Mabon) and 4 cross quarter mid-points - Imbolc, Beltane, Laughnasadh and Samhein.
Spring Equinox is also the start of the astrological new year.
Ostara (Spring) - takes its name from the Germanic goddess of dawn/spring, Eostre/Ostara. She represents fertility, new beginnings and rebirth. Her symbols are the egg – new life, and the hare - fertility.
Ostara later became Easter in the Christian calendar, and we of course still have Easter eggs and bunnies.
“Ostara is the dawn of Spring, the entry way to Summer. At the Spring Equinox the Earth stands fresh and renewed. Let us all be like the Earth, let us cast away the darkness of Winter and embrace the wonder of green growing things. May we find delight in that which blooms around us and let us never forget our responsibilities to this place we call home. This world is magickal place, may the power of our Lady and the beauty of Nature remind us of that everyday we draw breath.” Jason Mankey,
Spring Equinox Blessing - Stephanie Laird
Qualities of Spring
Re-awakening - welcoming back the sun and more light
Rebirth - coming back to life after the resting season of winter.
Fertility – welcoming new life from the lambs in the fields to the new blooms of spring flowers to sowing seeds to grow through the year
Hope – new beginnings and new opportunities
Returning nature – butterflies and bees emerging, birds singing
How to celebrate Spring
Spend more time outside, noticing the new life emerging around you – from early blossom, to bird song and butterflies enjoying the sunshine.
Take some time out to create some intentions for the Spring Season, some journal prompts to help you are below.
Spring clean - your body, mind and surroundings. Move more – enjoy walks outside and yoga as your energy returns from winter rest. Take time to pause, breathe or meditate to give your mind space. Spring clean your home or workspace to help with fresh new beginnings, and to give your mind and body space.
Journal Prompts for Spring Equinox
What have you learned during the winter season? Maybe you had goals or intentions – how have they grown?
Where do you feel out of balance? How can you release what is holding you back or no longer need?
What new ideas, dreams and energies do you have?
What new beginnings do you want to manifest?
What seeds can you sow and nurture for the year ahead?