Posts in Postnatal Yoga
How to find the right yoga class.

In this blog post I guide you through the types of yoga class you might find in your local area. There's a real spectrum of yoga, like music or dance there are many styles, some you will like and some you won't be so keen on. Depending on where and who a class teacher has trained with will influence how they teach.

I will guide you through some of the considerations you might like to make whilst deciding what class to try, what you should expect from a good yoga teacher, and when you know you’ve found the right class for your body and mind.

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Cautious or Can't Wait?

It's almost time for yoga classes to return to in-person. We await the next level of restrictions lifting on 17th May, and government confirmation that we can get back to practicing in a room together in England.

But how are you feeling about this? The reality is that we're not all ready to plunge back into closer proximity to others, and that's ok.

I spent a lot of time last autumn, working out a comprehensive covid policy and procedure for in-person classes. When we were not in lockdown, we came together safely and I felt confident hosting and teaching classes because this was in place and we all adhered to it. We could still chat, make social connections and enjoy being together. Mums and babies, and pregnant ladies could make those important networks and share experiences. Students commented that they felt safe and it was joyful to practice together.

In this blog post I talk about how I am feeling as we go back to class and how my covid policy and procedures can help you feel reassured. Whatever the individual journey we have had to navigate and wherever we are on the scale of cautious to can't wait I welcome you to class whenever you feel ready.

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10 Reasons why Mum & Baby Yoga is great for your baby AND you!

There are so many benefits to joining a baby class, and so many benefits to joining classes that support you as a new parent as well as your baby. In this blog post I talk about 10 benefits of joining my Mum & Baby Yoga class in depth:

1. Build confidence lifting and handling your baby

2. Baby Yoga can help soothe those common baby niggles – digestion issues, colic and sleep problems.

3. Supports the development of your bond with your baby

4. Enjoy meeting other parents and babies

5. Builds confidence in communicating with your baby …

…Read on to find out about each of these in-depth and find out what the other 5 benefits for you and your baby are.

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4 Books to take you into 2021

Over the past year I have been reading a lot, some fiction, lots of yoga books and these four books that I highly recommend.

Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker

A brilliant book which explains in a pretty straightforward way why enough good quality sleep is essential, what gets in the way of sleep and how we can sleep better.

Nobody Told Me by Hollie McNish
This book includes not only candid poetry about her journey of pregnancy and new motherhood, but also includes some lovely prose giving context and background to the poems and her experiences.

Do Less: A Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management for Busy Moms by Kate Northrup
In 14 'Experiments' Kate suggests simple ways to look at your work flow, daily working habits and also self-care to work better and do less. You can implement the ones that resonate easily one by one or a few at a time.

Becoming by Michelle Obama
This one needs no introduction. Michelle is an inspiration and her book won't disappoint.

Read on to find out why I love each of these books

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How Baby Yoga and Massage can help digestion, colic and reflux

Most babies suffer from digestion issues, from general wind or constipation, to the more severe colic and reflux. It is a common topic of conversation amongst parents in my Baby Yoga and Baby Massage classes.

Here are 4 ways to help your baby to pass wind and ease their little tummy using Baby Massage and Baby Yoga techniques - useful to have in your parenting toolbox :)

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