Posts in Yoga and Wellbeing
New Year, New Moments, New Beginnings

Everyday has possibility for change and growth. Every day is a new start, or can be. Each moment is also a new beginning. Remind yourself of this each day, not just at New Year.

For some of you new year may be a great time to make resolutions, or intentions, to make positive changes big or small. But maybe the time is not right for you, it feels too pressured, or your heart is not in it. Either way, here’s a couple of little ways to start the year with lightness and joy. They cost nothing, require no equipment and you can use them daily with no pressure, judgement or failure if you don’t do them, but lots of added well being if you do.

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Saying Goodbye to Duke

It's now a couple of weeks since we sadly had to say goodbye to our beloved dog Duke.

We all resonate with losing a person we love. Losing a pet is a slightly different experience, for some it can be harder in some ways. I am not an expert in how to deal with grief of any kind, and I believe there can be grief in other situations not just in the death of a loved one. But I do want to share my experience of the early days after losing Duke and how my meditation practice has helped.

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Where’s Your Happy Place?

We all have a happy place, maybe more than one. Not just holiday destinations. Maybe its snuggling under the duvet, sitting in the garden, places where we connect with friends or family, places we call our own.

But there’s also another happy place that we all have the ability to connect to. It’s with us everywhere we go. It’s the space within us, underneath our minds and bodies, underneath our thoughts emotions and dreams…

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