

How have you been doing these last few weeks? Covid restrictions in England are now lifted and it's been a funny old time of transition again.

For me personally, I've taken a slow and steady approach to the lifting of restrictions in July and August. We've been navigating a back to normal school and work routine for a while, and welcomed our boys being able to enjoy time outside of school with friends and a return to their weekly cricket and tennis. Actually the cricket had been fantastic, not only because they love it and get to spend more time with friends and playing matches, but also because it's been lovely socially for us parents outside, watching them play.

Over the summer holidays we've seen family, finally had grandparents staying over again and met a few friends. We've been to a few events, camping, to a family wedding and more recently on holiday to our family cottage in Scotland. I'll be honest the amount of people at a few events and places was a little overwhelming at first, even outside. But I'm slowly getting used to being closer to more people I don't know.

The wedding was lovely and I had no worries whatsoever with no distancing, lots of family hugs and kisses. It was both a relief and normal. But some days it's not like that, some days someone stands a little too close for my comfort, or it feels like there's just too many people together. It's fascinating watching my responses. At the start we all had to overcome our natural conditioning of close connection to other humans and suddenly change our behaviour to keeping a distance as covid hit, and now we've just got used to being reconditioned to be distanced and we're reverting back again which should be welcome, but actually is quite challenging. Weird!

Does this resonate for you?

Our way of emerging is all so dependent on our individual circumstances, how covid has affected our working and family lives and our daily activities over the past 18 months. Our health and mental well-being has been tested sometimes to extremes.

From a teaching perspective I continue to navigate government guidance and create safe and caring environments in my classes so that everyone feels comfortable. I'm continuing to teach a weekly zoom class as it suits some of us better, and my library of recorded classes is also available for those times of isolating or of course just to be able to do more yoga!

I've updated my covid policy for the autumn term and am dusting off the props that have been stored in my garage for 18 months to use in class again. I've researched environmentally friendly cleaning products and my mask will still be in use when I feel I need it.

If you return to my classes this Sept this is what you can expect:

  • plenty of space for each student - whilst we no longer need to have our 2m mat markers out, maximum numbers in each class will still enable us to have good space between each other, and accommodate the 2m distancing again should we need to at any point in the future.

  • you are required to bring your own mat, blanket, cushion and/or yoga blocks to class to minimise the sharing of equipment - I will have a few spare mats with me just in case, and where I offer equipment for use during class these will be cleaned thoroughly after each class to maintain good hygiene and it's always optional for you to use them.

  • masks are optional - I ask you to kindly observe space from fellow students if they are wearing their mask or if they ask, and I will do the same, I will be wearing my mask as needed for my own and students comfort.

  • classes continue to be pre-book only with minimal handling of cash, waitlists are available for classes that are fully booked and you can message me before class if you are looking for a space.

  • please ensure your contact details are up to date on Punchpass for test and trace purposes.

  • it is helpful if you could arrive no more than 5 minutes before class to minimise the cross over between classes.

  • some windows will be kept open during class to ensure air flow and ventilation

  • I will continue to anti-bac touch points between classes in main hall areas

  • hand sanitizer will be available in each venue and I ask you to continue to observe good hand washing procedure.

  • if government guidance changes I will implement changes as required and inform students.

Observing Covid-19 Testing and Self Isolating

  • You must not attend class if you develop any symptoms of Covid-19 until you have received a negative PCR test, or have completed self-isolation as advised by NHS test and trace.

  • If you test positive for Covid-19 you must not attend class until you have completed your isolation period.

  • If you have knowingly been in close contact with anyone who has tested positive for Covid 19 you must abide by NHS test and trace advice ideally getting a PCR test as soon as possible and attending class only when your tests are negative or you have completed self-isolation as required.

  • I will also be abiding by these regulations and if classes are cancelled due to my isolating or other covid reason they will move to zoom wherever possible

I thank you for your continued  understanding and kindness to others in our classes as we move forwards together and minimise the risk of spreading infection as best we can. My fully updated Covid policy is now on my website.

Above all as we continue to emerge into the next phase of life with covid, I am emerging with a strong sense of wanting my classes to focus on self care, kindness and compassion - for others of course- but mostly for ourselves. Yoga helps us to contemplate deeply how we are feeling physically and mentally. It helps us to connect to ourselves, trust ourselves and our instincts, it helps us to respond, to ease anxiety and navigate the day to day changes we've now come to expect with kindness and compassion. for where we are at in any given moment. I even venture to say yoga helps us reconnect with our deepest joy even in times like these.

May this phase of emerging be positive and kind to you all, however you choose to emerge.