meditation circle 2020.jpg
Great introduction to or expansion on meditation knowledge. Easy to follow and relaxing environment.
— Carly

I now host meditation circle online, every 3rd Tuesday of the month.

I hope that you will join us!

These 30 minute sessions include a simple, accessible guided meditation and some discussion.

Everyone is welcome. The sessions are not just for my regular students!

Please come along:

  • as a one off to try out some meditation and learn about its benefits.

  • as a refresher/catch up if you have taken my meditation course before

  • as a taster if you are interested in attending one of my Meditation Courses

  • if you have practised meditation before

  • if you have never meditated before

  • if you think you can't meditate

  • if you would like to join a group meditation to support your home practice

  • if you are a regular student at my classes

  • if you have never been to one of my classes!

Each session is seated on chairs and is suitable for anyone aged 16+ (no yoga or meditation experience necessary)

I’ve come away with a new skill which in turn is helping me to deal with life’s ups and downs. Sarah is a lovely approachable lady who has the perfect mix of passion about meditation coupled with groundedness to make meditation accessible for everyone. I can’t recommend these courses highly enough.
— Jan

Here are a couple of recordings from previous Meditation Circles

Increasing pain Michael Stone.png
Acceptance Michael Stone.png

23.3.20 Just as lockdown begins ‘acceptance’

A discussion, with ten minute meditation to help with worry and anxiety and to bring you to the present moment.

Note there was a moment when my connection dropped out at the start of the meditation - but I come back in as you’ll hear!

Best practised sitting upright in a chair with your feet comfortably on the floor or a cushion - no shoes, but cosy socks is also recommended.


28.4.20 ‘Know and let go’

This session uses simple open monitoring meditation techniques and labelling to practice non-attachment using sounds and thoughts.

The session also includes some useful discussion around better sleep.

The reading is from Mark Nepo’s book ‘Things that Join the Sea and the Sky’ and is entitled Once Falling In. There is a short excerpt below and a pic of my diagram I drew in the session.